I like to know the guy is human. I think this picture captured that. I will admit, I am a bit excited that he is coming back. I have no idea how he will fit into a team a big names. It will either work really well..or not at all. He might become just a really good one day classic guy. I just don't see him having what it takes to be on top of the tour next year. I hope he does. In fact, I plan on being there again if it all works out. Can you imagine Lance, Alberto, Levi, Carlos, Alejandro and heck even throw in Floyd and Tyler for grins??? Might be something special. We will see.
Anyway, last week I found myself in San Jose all week. It was just a ton of meetings mingled with a few fun events. My Boss took us to an indoor race cart facility where we suited up and went all out for 15 min. You were literally on the verge of death at every corner. These things were scary fast but I kicked arse. It was a good way to unwind some and compete at the same time. We also had a kickball tourny at the end of the week with some other teams. It has been maybe 25 years since I last played a serious game of kickball. Our team ending up winning. Unfortunately I played right before my flight and I am sure I smelled like a wet puppy to the person sitting next to me on the flight home.. Just a short follow-up from my last post, the airport was covered w/ visiting grandparents.
Off the wagon - I have been off my bike for officially 2 weeks now. It haunts me. I can't seem to find the time and the weather is not helping. In AZ, the window is small for riding in the summer heat. I hope to get on 2x this week to try and shake to cob-webs off. I did finally get my crank set fixed and consider myself mechanically ready for the Tour De Tucson.

I went to Briggs and Eryn's soccer games yesterday. Eryn will grow into a pretty good player if she chooses to stay with it. She is not afraid to get in the mix and scored her first goal yesterday. Briggs seems to be getting better as well. Just having some trouble understanding how to play the halfback position. He has always played fullback and now his coach has him at halfback who likes to ensure he is mainly a defender....."Pull up Briggs" is a common shout. His control of the ball is much better.
Last night K and I went out to one of our old favorite Mexican food places...Macayo's. It used to be one of the original three (Garcia's and Matta's being the other two). Now the valley is overrun with mexican food joints. There are so many...and so many say this and that are the best....I like to stick with my guns. I have tried the cafe Rio's of the valley...but still like the old stuff.

William Rudy @ 3 1/2 months:
He is a one trick pony right now. He learned how to spit on command and thinks it is pretty funny. He loves Reagan and is not too sure of Eryn yet. I think Eryn likes to think he is made of rubber. Briggs is slowly coming around. But I think like any male, once the baby gets old and can respond to torture, then the male becomes more involved. For now, Briggs will go on with teasing and getting in the heads of his sisters. He is a master. But....they are also really easy to bug.
Will likes Dad most of the times...but seems to always be looking for Mom. Not sure why because what ever Mom gives him, he spits it all up. It is really bad. Never had any of our kids spit up as much as he does. I am used to it now which is a dangerous feeling because you might be used to the smell on your sholders, neck, back and pants....but what about the person standing next to you? Do they smell it? That is why it is good to hang out with friends who have little ones as well...this way it is one big stink fest and nobody smells a thing.
Will does have a contagious smile and so far is an overall happy kid. He is starting to grab stuff and explores w/ his mouth. Although I think he is a bit cross-eyed as the kids still don' understand how close to put things to his face. They shove things right to his nose and the poor kid is trying to focus in on what is shoved up one of his nostrils.
0-miles this week....